Similar words: delayed, not delayed, delayed payment, delayed response, redstart, delayer, fixed star, headstart.
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1. The space agency has decided to delay start of construction of the controversial project for as much as 11 months.
2. The combination of the delayed start, low CPU and memory priority, and background disk priority greatly reduce interference with a user's logon.
3. After the delayed start, the percentage of students who said they got at least eight hours of sleep a night jumped from about 16 to 55 percent.
4. His government has made sharper and faster spending cuts than it originally planned; after a delayed start, the central bank has launched a speedy clean-up of the troubled cajas.
5. While there are numerous ethanol plants slated to come on line this year, some of these plants have delayed start ups.
More similar words: delayed, not delayed, delayed payment, delayed response, redstart, delayer, fixed star, headstart, head start, fits and starts, in fits and starts, by fits and starts, played, played out, united states military academy, delay in delivery, ozone layer, delay, delaying, delay time, guitar player, united states, domed stadium, excited state, without delay, the United States, suspended state, united states code, transport delay, starry-eyed.